Yammer Embed and SharePoint 2013

By Chris Hopkins

Original Post

Well mostly just about Yammer Embed to help clear up some questions I get about its capabilities.

Yammer Embed

The Embed documentation on http://developer.yammer.com/connect/ specifically calls out 5 feed types that can be embedded using Yammer Embed today: My Feed (Home Feed), a Group Feed, a Topic Feed, a User Feed or an Object Graph Feed.

FYI – I have included a download which has a single HTML page configured for each of the scenarios discussed below.

Group Feed

When targeting a group using the feed id for that group, this embedded feed displays all the posts that were made to this specific group.

Note: Posts made from this feed are targeted at the group specified by the Embed parameters and cannot be redirected to any other group.

Topic Feed

When targeting a topic using the feed id for that topic, this embedded feed displays all the posts that reference the specified topic.

Note: You cannot create a new post from a Topic Feed, you can only reply to existing posts.

FYI - Topics can be found using search or the topic glyphs attached to specific posts. To learn about creating Topics see this video http://success.yammer.com/yaminars/topics/

User Feed

When targeting a user by specifying the user id (alias), this embedded feed displays all the posts that the user directly participated in (mentioned, posted, replied to).

Note: You cannot create a new post from a User Feed, you can only reply to existing posts.

Object Graph Feed

When targeting a specific object (based on URL), this embedded feed displays all the posts that are related to the specified object.

Note: Colleagues is the default option for any posts made from this embedded feed. Colleagues actually means All Company. You will need to change this to target a specific group if that is the intention. You cannot default this option to a specific group.

My Feed – aka Home Feed

FYI - The details of the ‘My Feed’ are explained here - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2842157

When the feedtype and the feedid are not specified as part of the Embed, the ‘My Feed’ or ‘Home’ feed is displayed. This is the only feed that is confusing to developers that are implementing Embed because what you see from the home page on Yammer.com might not be the same as what you see from the embedded feed. The feed on the home page is your ‘My Feed’ and gives you the option to see posts based on Top – All – Following filters from the current network. The My Feed Embed is restricted to the Following option and only displays posts from the people, groups, topics, etc that you are following.

Note: Colleagues is the default option for any posts made from this embedded feed. Colleagues actually means All Company. You will need to change this to target a specific group if that is the intention. You cannot default this option to a specific group.

Additional Notes about Yammer Embed

  • The Top, All, and Following filters are not available and cannot be specified using Yammer Embed. By default the My Feed displays posts using the Following option and this cannot be changed via the Embed API.
  • Posts from External Networks are not included in this feed – You must specify a specific network as part of the Embed parameters.
  • Posts to Private groups that are part of the specified network are included.
  • You cannot limit the number of posts that are displayed.
  • There is no search mechanism provided by Embed.

Yammer App for SharePoint

This app is built using the Embed feature and specifically targets three use cases

  • Group Feed
  • Home Feed
  • Comment Feed

All but Comment Feed is self-explanatory. The Comment Feed option is actually the Open Graph feed in disguise. By supplying a URL this will either create a new object or connect to an existing object if one does not already exist. All posts for this object will be displayed in this feed.

Note: Colleagues is the default option for any posts made from this embedded feed. Colleagues actually means All Company. You will need to change this to target a specific group if that is the intention. You cannot default this option to post to a specific group.

Adding your own Yammer Embed to SharePoint using Content Editor or Script Editor

I use the Content Editor web part to display a Yammer feed which references a standard html page that contains all the JS references and the JS functions needed for the embed that I store in a document library or Site Assets library.

IE Settings

To ensure that Yammer Embed functions properly I suggest that you make sure the following settings are configured in IE:

Security > Trusted Sites

[Enable] Protected Mode



Security > Local intranet

[Disabled] Protected Mode



Note: Make sure your pages are checked in and published if you are doing this as part of a publishing site.
