Released – Visio 2010 add-in for System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2

On Monday we released the latest version of the Visio 2010 add-in for System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, which was announced at MMS in Las Vegas this past week. Click here to get the add-in This is a significant update from the previous version of this add-in for Visio 2007 as this version includes…

Using Data Graphics with empty Shape Data fields

Today I was asked how you can display an icon on a shape (using an icon from the Data Graphics Icon Set feature) when a particular Shape Data value is NOT set to a value.  For example, lets say you have a diagram of your network and you want to display an icon on the…

Checking the edition of Visio 2010 at runtime

I thought I would share a common function that I use in all of my add-ins to help me determine if Visio is of the correct version and edition in order for my add-in to execute properly. Copy and paste this into Visual Studio… /// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether the correct Version…

Splitting your own connectors

Visio 2010 has a new feature that allows you to insert and delete shapes in a diagram, automatically handling split and heal operations for connectors along the way. For a detailed overview of this new functionality see this blog post by the product team: Inserting and Deleting Shapes in Visio 2010 I want to point…

Specify what master is used to create a Sub-Process

Microsoft Visio 2010 Premium includes new features to help you define sub-processes within your diagrams. Let’s say you select a few shapes on the page and click on the ‘Create from Selection’ button from the Process tab on the Ribbon, several actions take place.  A new page is created, the selected shapes are moved from…