I'd love to hear about the context in which you use drawings -- whether you're an end user of the app or a developer of custom solutions for the app. Want to post feedback and talk about how you use Visio?
Me, I use Visio a lot. Here's some things that I do with Visio as a user:
Track my projects on timelines. I ask that everyone on my Program Management team do the same. We create a separate timeline for each project and line them all up in a pretty row. That way, we can look down the row and see how the milestones across projects line up and where we're overloaded versus underloaded.
Map out my wistful plans for a house remodel. This is probably a case of the perfect drawing that will never see the light of day for many years, given that I have two kids under 3.
Conceptual diagrams for customer presentations. Tends to be either simple workflow diagrams or conceptual
Architectural diagrams. Can't be bothered with UML so I just use the COM/OLE shapes.
Feature UI planning. We use a Visio stencil with standard Office UI elements to plan the next version of our project. Makes it much easier to put together a prototype.
Feature workflow: I almost always do a workflow diagram or three in my product/feature specifications.
Natch, I use Visio 2003.
-- Mai-lan
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