More Resources for Visio 2010 and Office 2010

Microsoft Visio 2010 is part of the Office 2010 wave of products. While Visio is sold separately from the applications in the Office suite, we share quite a bit of functionality with these applications. In Visio 2010 you will see the adoption of the Office Fluent User Interface and many other shared capabilities in Office. In the coming posts we will introduce the Visio 2010 features, showing where Visio is similar and where Visio is different from other Office apps.

Every product development team in the Office 2010 wave is blogging about the 2010 release. Additionally there is a central Office 2010 Engineering blog to cover many of the shared features in Office. We’ve added links to these blogs in the side bar, and we will be referencing information that is important to Visio.


Send-a-Smile Feedback

One of the initial posts on the Office 2010 Engineering blog discusses our Send-a-Smile feedback tool. The tool is installed automatically with Visio 2010 Technical Preview and provides a fast and simple way to tell us what you think. You can enter a brief message and send along a screenshot of what you are looking at.

Send A Smile in Windows Taskbar

The Visio product team reviews all the submissions and categorizes them into comments, bugs and feature requests. Comments help inform our decision-making about what is working well and what needs improvement. Bugs are investigated and fixed if possible. Feature requests are evaluated for possible inclusion in the product or tracked for the future.


Please let us know what you like or dislike by using this convenient tool. As always, you can comment on the blog too.