Visio 2010 Service Pack 1 Released

Yesterday Microsoft announced the availability of Service Pack 1 for Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010.  This wave of releases includes updates to Visio 2010 and the Visio Viewer.  Here are the links for downloading:

Visio 2010 SP1



Visio Viewer 2010 SP1



The updates to Visio 2010 include stability, security, and performance improvements.  SP1 includes the Cumulative Updates and Public Updates to Visio since RTM a year ago.

There are a couple noteworthy improvements in Visio 2010 SP1:

  • Fixes scaling issues and arrowhead rendering errors in exported SVG files viewed in Internet Explorer 9
  • Connectors no longer reroute when a diagram is pasted into another application as an image

Thank you for your continued feedback on Visio.  If you have additional comments for the product team, please add them below or e-mail us a message.