Visio Viewer in Outlook 2007

A big piece of news is that the Visio Viewer will be installed by default whenever Outlook 2007 is installed. This is happening as part of a new feature in Outlook – automatic preview of attachments directly in the Outlook reading pane. Visio will be one of the supported file formats and the way this will work is through the Viewer.

This will be particularly great for organizations where people have been reluctant to send around Visio documents because not everyone has Visio installed. If your org rolls out Outlook you can be sure that the viewer will be there as well. Of course, the viewer has been around for a few releases and will still be available as a free download, but not having to deploy it separately is great.

Here is the viewer running inside Outlook:

The file being previewed here is a Visio diagram of the 2006 World Cup bracket. This is a free download from Office Online and is a very cool way to track the progress of the World Cup over the next month.