Security updates for Visio 2002 and Visio 2003

If you haven’t already, make sure that you update any copies of Visio 2002 or 2003 with the security updates that we released last month. If you use Microsoft Update or Office Update (highly recommended) then you will already be updated, but if not you can download the files directly from the following links: Security Update for…

New book — Visualizing Information with Visio 2007

Somehow I missed the fact that Visualizing Information with Microsoft Office Visio 2007, a new book by David Parker, has been published. I knew that the book was coming out, but somehow the actual release slipped by me. I’ve had a number of people ask about good books for learning about real world uses of…

Interesting Visualization examples – mostly treemaps

I missed this last year when it came out, but this blog post (an outgrowth of this WSJ article) provides a link to a whole series of examples of interesting visualizations on the web. They are mostly variants of treemaps, but there are some really interesting ones out there.

Interesting blog covering visualization of BI data

Sam Batterman, a BI Evangelist here at Microsoft, writes a great blog (“Samb Business Intelligence Blog”) that is heavily focused on visualization of BI data. I’ve been meaning to mention it for a while, and he just had a flurry of interesting posts. The content covers all types of novel visualization techniques.

Session at the Microsoft BI Conference

If you plan to be at the Microsoft BI Conference in Seattle this week, make sure to stop by my Chalk Talk on Friday at 9:45 AM in CT Theater 3. This will be a smaller, informal session with particular emphasis on connecting Visio to SQL Server Analysis Services.

Visio 2007: Good reference on developer changes

I spent a little time today answering questions about some of the new features in Visio 2007, and noticed that I had never linked to these articles: What’s New for Developers in Visio 2007 (Part 1 of 2) What’s New for Developers in Visio 2007 (Part 2 of 2) The first provides a good overview…

Visio Developer Search

While working on a little project this past week I was spending a lot of time looking for information on various Visio developer topics. To speed things up, I put together a Live Search Macro that scopes down the search to to online SDK documentation along with a number of relevant blogs and other Visio content. It…

Visio Session at Interop Las Vegas

I’ll be presenting a session on Visio at Interop Las Vegas on May 22nd. The presentation will focus on visualizing IT data using Visio 2007. If you’ll be at the conference, make sure to check it out. I’ll be around for a few days, so if you are interested in chatting there feel free to…

More about launching a Remote Desktop session from a hyperlink

A few people have asked me if the remote desktop hyperlink creator is Visio-specific. The answer is no. It creates hyperlinks that can be used anywhere. If you publish your network diagrams using Visio’s Save as Web feature it will work there too. Here’s the original post explaining what it is.