Launching a Remote Desktop session from a hyperlink

If you are managing your network with a Visio diagram (either in Visio or on a web page), you might have wished that you could just click on a server shape and connect directly to that machine to administer it. I’ve seen people put these types of hyperlinks into their diagrams when their servers have…

Do You Share Diagrams On A Server?

Do you ever put Visio diagrams on a SharePoint site, Web site, or file server so you can easily share them with others? Are you making use of Visio 2007’s Data Link and Data Graphics features? If so, the Visio Product Planning team would like to talk to you! We are currently conducting research to…

DXF, DWG & Visio

Now that Visio 2007 is out the door (mostly — the consumer launch is coming up soon) we are looking at future versions.  Do you ever open, save or use AutoCAD files (DXF/DWG) with Visio? If so, the Visio product team would like to talk to you. Send me a note (use the contact form…

Periodic Table of Visualization Methods

I’ve seen a number of links to a new paper and page showing a summary of different visualization techniques: A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods. Since I often find that the most challenging aspect of visualization for most people is coming up with interesting novel ways to display data, this is a useful tool for…

Office and Visio Launch

As many of you know, yesterday was the business launch of Office, including Visio. The full consumer launch (i.e. boxes available in stores) will happen in January. In the meantime, you can download a trial version of the final product. We have released the latest versions of the Visio Viewer and the SDK.

Office Developer Poster

Along with developers building applications exclusively for Visio, there are a lot of people who do development across Office (or are thinking about it). The Office MSDN team has done a great job putting together a poster that gives you a sense of what type of development is possible and how Visio fits in. For…

Visio 2007: New Article on Customizing Data Graphics

We’re starting to roll out some more developer and power user documentation on the new features in Visio 2007. I’ve written a couple brief posts on customizing Data Graphics, but now there is a full article available here:

Meet a ShapeSheet Function: SETF

With this post I’ll start a new series designed to give a little more detail behind some of the more interesting ShapeSheet functions. As the documentation for SETF says, this function is designed to let you set the value for a specific cell in the ShapeSheet from any other cell. This is one of the…

Developer Book Recommendation

For those of you who are developing with Visio (particularly if you have some experience), I’d like to recommend Graham Wideman’s book: Visio 2003 Developer’s Survival Pack. The author is one of our MVPs and is as knowledeable about Visio as just about anyone I know. The book contains great detail on just about everything around Visio…