SharePoint Workflow Authoring in Visio Premium 2010 (Part 1)

Visio has long been the tool of choice for documenting processes. Ever since the introduction of workflow support in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, we have been hearing from customers, “wouldn’t it be great to visualize SharePoint workflows in Visio like flowcharts? Wouldn’t it also be great to go from Visio business process diagrams to…

Introducing the Microsoft Visio 2010 Beta SDK

A Beta release of the Microsoft Visio 2010 SDK is now available for download! Due to high demand for an early version of the SDK, we have released a Beta version of the SDK with a partial set of supported features. Additional features and functionality will be available in the RTM version of the Visio…

Visio 2010 Beta Released

This morning Microsoft announced that the Beta versions of Microsoft Office 2010, SharePoint Server 2010, Project 2010 and Microsoft Visio 2010 are now available!  You can download Visio 2010 Beta here.  This is a public Beta, so anyone can install and use it. Changes in the Beta Visio 2010 Beta has numerous refinements based on…

Installing and Configuring Visio Services

With the past few posts we’ve shown you how you can share your diagrams with everyone using Visio Services. In this post, we’ll talk about how IT Administrators can provision and configure Visio Services in SharePoint 2010. Visio Services is included in SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Client Access License (ECAL). This post is intended to…

Building Visio 2010 – A Look Behind the Scenes

The Visio Product Team has been working for several years to design, code, test and deliver Visio 2010.  It takes lots of coordination and collaboration to develop a complex software application.  While there are many roles involved in the engineering process, it is the Program Managers, Developers and Testers that work together the most closely…

Embedding a Web Drawing in a SharePoint Page

Previously we showed how Visio Services lets you view diagrams in the browser. By default Visio Web Drawings open in their own web page for a full screen viewing experience. Visio Services also allows Visio Web Drawings to be embedded in other SharePoint pages. Using the Visio Web Access web part you can embed either…

Publishing Diagrams to Visio Services

In our last post, we talked about Visio Services–a new feature of SharePoint 2010 that extends the reach of Visio diagrams considerably. Visio Services lets you: View diagrams in the browser even if you don’t have Visio installed Refresh data-driven diagrams in the browser Integrate diagrams into SharePoint applications In this post, we explain how…

Introducing Visio Services

Last week at the SharePoint Conference, the Visio team unveiled Visio Services – a new feature of SharePoint 2010 that extends the reach of diagrams considerably. In a nutshell, Visio Services lets you: View diagrams in the browser without needing Visio on your machine Refresh data-driven diagrams in the browser Integrate diagrams into SharePoint applications…

Visio 2010 Beta coming soon…

It’s been several months since the Technical Preview was released and we started talking about Visio 2010 on this blog.  The product team has been hard at work responding to your feedback, fixing bugs and polishing the application.  Next month we are scheduled to release the Visio 2010 Beta, which will be open to the…

Using a Visio Process Repository

We frequently speak with Visio users whose organizations need to manage collections of process diagrams. Many of these users are employing basic methods such as storing these documents on network file shares. However, these methods leave much to be desired. For instance, end users frequently ask us questions like: How can I make sure I’m…