Make Your Own Data Graphic – Text Callouts

  Data Graphics is a great new feature in Visio 2007 Professional for displaying data on your shapes.  One key to the feature’s popularity is that you can make or customize your own data graphic callout shapes. There is an article posted on MSDN that covers the full spectrum of customizations possible for Data Graphics. …

New resources for Visio

Our MVP community has been quite busy creating new resouces for Visio.  We’d like to highlight a few recent releases here.     In response to a newsgroup discussion on Visio’s Network Rack shapes. Chris Roth (Visio MVP and former employee) has released a new shape for displaying rack unit dimensions.    …

Creating Visio Add-ins with VSTO 2005 SE

There have been several newsgroup postings about using VSTO to create Visio Add-ins.  The deployment of these add-ins can be especially challenging.  There is a new developer article by Chris Castillo detailing how to write VSTO add-ins for Visio.  Chris explains why using VSTO is desirable and aggregates information from a number of sources to walk you through…

Where’s my text control handle?

A Visio user posted a question in the newsgroups about the yellow text control handle on connector shapes.  Some connectors have a yellow handle and some don’t.  What’s going on? Starting in Visio 2003, the built-in connector shape used by the Connector Tool was modified to include a text control handle.  If you start a blank…

Custom Formulas in Data Graphics

Judging from the page view statistics on the blog, Data Graphics is a topic of interest to a number of people.  For those interest in the previous post on building custom data graphics, look here.  In this post we’ll look at another way to get more out of the data graphics you create.  Our example…

Make Your Own Bubble Chart, part 3

This post is part of a series examining Bubble Chart diagrams.  We are building a Bubble Chart stencil from scratch to make diagram creation easy for the user.  You can get the completed stencil from the first post in the series.  In the previous post, we completed the Bubble Chart master shape.  This shape is…

Make Your Own Bubble Chart, part 2

This post is part of a series examining Bubble Chart diagrams.  We are building a Bubble Chart stencil from scratch to make diagram creation easy for the user.  You can get the completed stencil from the first post in the series.  In the previous post, we started working on the Bubble Chart master shape.  It…

Make Your Own Bubble Chart, part 1

In the previous post we introduced the Bubble Chart diagram and demonstrated a quick way to create one using the BubbleChart.vss stencil.  This stencil was custom-built for the blog, so grab the file attachment from the previous post.  Now we build the stencil from scratch to understand how to integrate Visio 2007’s Data Connectivity features…

Introducing the Bubble Chart

A Bubble Chart is a diagram that presents multi-dimensional data in a graphical form.  Each data field is tied to a particular visualization.  Most often data controls the Size and Position of elements in the chart.  Thus the diagrams often resemble a bunch of bubbles.  Taken to an extreme, data can be visualized in almost…

Working with ResizeMode

  In this post, we take a break from Visio 2007 information and explore a peculiar shape design issue.  If you have worked with Groups in Visio, you have probably encountered a situation where the shapes inside of a group just don’t behave properly during resize.  Sometimes you want shapes inside a group to resize…